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SASA - St Andrew's School Association

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SASA is the St. Andrew’s School Association - the parent teacher association (PTA) for the school. It aims to enable teachers and parents to work together to improve the school environment for the children. It is for everyone, however much or little time you have to get involved. All parents are automatically members.

Our mission is to support St. Andrew’s Primary School by raising money, building the school community, caring about our children’s education, and having fun!



We hold meetings once every half term. Some are planning meetings for discussing the details of upcoming events; some are social meetings for generating ideas, sharing our success and making sure all voices are heard. We hold an AGM in July. We are always keen to see new faces and have fresh ideas, and everyone is welcome at meetings. 

There is a committee elected each year, as well as 2 class reps from each class. The roles regularly change to share ownership, the workload, and to benefit from new ideas and enthusiasm.

For the 2023/24 academic year

The committee members are:

Julie Blythe (Chair), Paul Neale (Vice-Chair)

The class representatives are:

Rainbows: Celia Lam and (vacant)

Year 1: Kristin van Zwieten & Lucy Murchison

Year 2: Alice Lardner & (vacant)

Year 3: Julie Blyth & Eleanor Cameron

Year 4: Charmaine Harris & Paul Neale

Year 5: (Vacant)

Year 6CCW: Anna Chamberlain & Tetyana Bogdan

Year 6EC: Richard Cohen & Paul Tucker

What have we achieved?

SASA regularly raises about £8000 per year in part by organising events such as the Christmas Craft Fair, School Disco, Fun Run and Cabaret Evening. As well as classroom allowances, equipment for the outdoor spaces and our school library, with the money raised we have:

  1. contributed to school Christmas theatre trips
  2. contributed to the school health and well-being week
  3. paid for book sets and art supplies
  4. paid towards the upkeep and development of the playground
  5. paid towards new sports equipment 
  6. paid for outdoor games for the quiet area

In addition to regular fundraising, in the past we have also bid for funds and grants to finance specific projects such as replacing the garden shed, funded by a Greener with Greggs Grant and the hall curtains, funded by a Tesco Bags of Help Grant. The University Colleges Wadham, New, Merton, Christchurch, St Hugh's, St John's, All Souls, Jesus and Brasenose have previously donated to our library project. Such support gives a huge boost to our fundraising efforts.

How to support our fundraising activities?

Please see our Fundraising Page, where you can find out about our current projects and how you can help.

How to get involved?

The best way to get involved and find out more is to speak to your class rep, and come along to the committee meetings. The meeting information is circulated by ParentMail, in class WhatsApp groups, in the previous meetings minutes available on this page. Meetings can be online, hybrid or in-person.

You can also speak to any of us committee members - listed on the noticeboard in reception at school - we will be pleased to hear from you. Alternatively, you can drop us an email at .

Our children's school experience benefits from active parent involvement. We look forward to your support in the coming year and hope to see you at many of our events - either as volunteers or participants.

Any way you can help, however little, will make a huge difference!

2023 - 24 SASA Meeting Minutes

A committee meeting is held once every half term, where all are very welcome! The minutes from previous meetings can be found below.

SASA International Evening Sept 24


SASA Diwali Disco Nov 23

September 23 International Evening

July 23 Summer Fair

Previous Events

Minutes from previous meetings


