Visions and Values
School Vision Statement:
We believe that ‘Everyone is different. Everyone is special’. As Jesus taught us to love unconditionally, so we strive to nurture respect for all; to provide a rich and stimulating curriculum that considers the individual; and to care for the intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of our whole school community - encouraging positive engagement with the wider world, as affirmed through our school values and parable of the Good Samaritan.
Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God …' and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10:27

School values
Our school values of friendship, forgiveness, trust, justice and hope are shared, understood and practised by the whole school community, with specific exploration through collective worship.
Spiritual Distinctiveness at St Andrew’s School
This document gives full details of the visioning process.
Church Links
Our Links with St. Andrew's Church are an important part of school life and support the school’s Christian ethos, including involvement in our weekly collective worship. The children are involved in preparing and attending services that parents are warmly invited to enjoy also. These include Harvest, Remembrance Day, Christmas and Easter services.
See the church's website for more information.